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Scientists Hack a Computer Using DNA


To carry out the hack, researchers led by Tadayoshi Kohno (“see “Innovators Under 35, 2007”) and Luis Ceze encoded malicious software in a short stretch of DNA they purchased online. They then used it to gain “full control” over a computer that tried to process the genetic data after it was read by a DNA sequencing machine.  

The researchers warn that hackers could one day use faked blood or spit samples to gain access to university computers, steal information from police forensics labs, or infect genome files shared by scientists.  

For now, DNA malware doesn’t pose much of a security risk. The researchers admit that to pull off their intrusion, they created the “best possible” chances of success by disabling security features and even adding a vulnerability to a little-used bioinformatics program. Their paper appears here

“Their exploit is basically unrealistic,” says Yaniv Erlich, a geneticist and programmer who is chief scientific officer of MyHeritage.com, a genealogy website.  

Previously, Kohno was among the first to show how to hack into an automobile through its diagnostic port, later also gaining access remotely by attacking cars though Bluetooth connections.  

The new DNA malware will be presented next week at the Usenix Security Symposium in Vancouver. “We look at emerging technologies and ask if there are upcoming security threats that might manifest, so the idea is to get ahead,” says Peter Ney, a graduate student in Kohno’s Security and Privacy Research Lab.  

To make the malware, the team translated a simple computer command into a short stretch of 176 DNA letters, denoted as A, G, C, and T. After ordering copies of the DNA from a vendor for $89, they fed the strands to a sequencing machine, which read off the gene letters, storing them as binary digits, 0s and 1s.  

Erlich says the attack took advantage of a spill-over effect, when data that exceeds a storage buffer can be interpreted as a computer command. In this case, the command contacted a server controlled by Kohno’s team, from which they took control of a computer in their lab they were using to analyze the DNA file.  


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